Common Oculoplasty Conditions
Eyelid Cysts:
1. Many different conditions can present as a mass on the eyelid.
2. Chalazion is a commonly occurring eyelid mass, caused by blocking of oil ducts in the eyelids.
3. It can be treated with warm compresses and antibiotic ointments in the early stages.
4. If ignored, it may grow in size and require surgical removal.
5. Stye is a painful boil occurring on the eyelid margin because of infection of the hair follicles.
6. It requires immediate consultation to prevent worsening of infection and spread to the other parts of the eye.
7. It can usually be treated with medications, but may require surgery if there is formation of an abscess.
Droopy Eyelid:
1. Droopy eyelid or Ptosis, is a condition that can be congenital (present from birth) or occur at a later age. It can occur in one or both eyes.
2. A droopy eyelid can be cosmetically unappealing in most patients..
3. In young children, a droopy eyelid can prevent complete development of vision and lead to visual problems at a later age.
4. A droopy eyelid may also indicate other diseases such as Myasthenia Gravis (muscular weakness of the body), Thyroid Eye Disease and Stroke.
5. It is important to consult an ophthalmologist or specialist oculoplastic surgeon to plan the necessary management.
6. Ptosis without any other cause can be treated with hidden scar surgery.
Watery Eyes:
1. Watery eyes can occur from birth or develop later in life.
2. One of the most common causes is blockage of the drainage pathway between the eye and the nose.
3. If not treated, this can lead to continuous watering, discharge and even infection at the junction of the eye and nose with severe pain and swelling.
4. Treatment can be done in very young children with a short non-surgical procedure.
5. In older children and adults, treatment may require surgery to create a new drainage pathway and reduce watering.
6. It is important to consult an ophthalmologist or specialist oculoplasty surgeon to identify cause of eye watering and initiate suitable treatment.