Tomey OA Optical Biometer (Japan) for accurate power calculations in cataract surgery for reduced dependence on glasses post surgery
Oertfi phacoemulsification surgical platform from Svitzeriand for safer and faster cataract surgery
Optical Coherence Tomogram from Topcon Japan for in-depth retinal analysis
Operating zoom microscope legend with BIOM for retinal surgeries
Multi Spot Pattern Green LASER for quicker and painless Retinal LASER treatment
Nd: YAG solid-state LASER for glaucoma and after cataract treatments
Glaufield Lite SWAP for visual field analysis in glaucoma
B-Scan for inner part of eye examination in hazy media
Modular Operation theatres equipped with laminar air flow and HEPA filters to provide clean air in the operative field. Hanshin B type autoclave from Korea and STATIM G4 flash steriliser from USA for reducing chances of infections.